“ I don’t have enough time”.
I have said these words many times in my years. How about you?
Time is valuable and most of us wish we had more of it.
Time moves at the same speed every hour of the day, it is one of the
most consistent working ‘things’ in life.
If only we could work our day like time does.
We really have to partner with time, and how we do that can feel like a battle.
It takes a little question and answer on your part.
I can relate to all of these!
In fact, when I was working with Amanda at
Studio A Designs on my new
Virtually Brady website she asked me if I was going to do a blog.
My immediate answer was “No, I have no time for that.”
Who has that time?
But I liked the thought of having a blog, I mean, it is long-lasting content that can help SEO, how can I not do it?
I changed my answer to “maybe” knowing it was something I wanted to do, sometime.
Amanda created the blog page ... and as they say,
“If you build it, they will come”
I wanted a blog page I wanted to share more information and ideas for small businesses.
Strong enough that it took power over my time.
I sat down and made it happen, I took the time to focus on something I really wanted in my business.
And with a little frustration and time,
this was created ... which I now believe is not a “blog” post, but it is there. 🙂 #itwasawin
It was tough honestly, but yet, I found excitement in getting that post done and wanted to be sure I worked on another.
And the best thing happened.
December approached and I saw a social post that caught my attention.
Natty Writes was sharing about a “Blogmas” writing group. (I mean, what a great name!)
It was a 3-week challenge to learn more, write blog posts, and get feedback, plus it included Zoom co-writing days.
While I again really wanted to do this, I was yet again saying over and over, “I do not have time”.
But one afternoon, a switch clicked in my brain and I signed up.
I was then immediately asking myself, “Why would I sign up for that”?
I was making excuses in my mind, telling myself I just needed the information, it would not take my time, and all would be fine.
The first co-writing call day came along, but I was
not going to join it.
As it was ready to start, I stared at my monitor for a bit, looked at the work I had, and started to wonder what I would be missing not being on the call.
I joined the call … and I haven’t missed one yet.
Writing first started as a ‘thought’, one I
knew I didn’t have time for.
I never tried to find the time, I just knew I didn’t have it.
But did I?
Once I made room in my time to try it, I learned I loved it, and my mindset changed.
The time part went from my
want to a
And when you need something you work harder to find the time.
You MAKE the time.
Time really is about what
you make of it and how your mind decides how to use it.
When you really want something in your day, setting it as a
priority helps you get it done.
What you
will find the time.
When it isn’t something you really care about, your mind doesn’t let you make time for it, and you blame time for not doing it.
‘I don’t have time.’
Before I tried the writing and started to care about it, that was my mindset.
And I was set on it.
When you really want to do something, give it some good thought before saying “I don’t have time”.
MAKE the time to try it, or it will never happen.
When it becomes a different problem is when your to-do list includes several
As a business owner, there are many business tasks that take our time, things that need to be done daily.
That ‘thing’ called “work.” 🙂
Making a good, prioritized to-do list is a great way to keep your time somewhat organized.
I know those lists are full, running a business includes
many tasks and needs, and there is
always a lot to do.
Then you also have those tasks and needs that take longer than others and consume your time in a way you don’t always plan or make the time for.
And what about those unwelcomed daily interruptions that hit our day like a brick?!
Phone calls, texts, emails, customers stopping to talk with you, and then your family needs you and you have to get breakfast, lunch, and supper and drive kids around.
It can feel like a never-ending battle of fighting with time every day.
Even when you intentionally try to make the time for what you need to do.
Can you ignore some interruptions? Of course!
Setting boundaries on what will kidnap your time is a must.
But that can be tough.
You can create uninterrupted times, but there are just those days when it doesn’t happen, you get sidetracked.
Instead of blaming time, it is good to look at ways to gain time, because time is always moving forward.
Virtually Brady is a ‘gift’ of time for business owners.
When we partner together on those tasks from your to-do list,
you gain time in your day.
And this is when your business can start to see growth.
When the time-consuming tasks are no longer pulling you away from your passion, you can focus on it more, and work your tasks to see it grow.
And maybe you use that time for a good break and do something you love like reading, walking, or enjoying lunch with a friend. When you step away, it refreshes you.
What you decide to do with your 'gift' of extra time is up to you, but the point is that you HAVE it and it helps you and your business.
Life is short and time keeps going forward no matter what.
Even when you MAKE time for things you really want to do, you may always feel out of time.
If you would like an hour or more back into your day, click
HERE, and let’s chat. 🖤
I'm Brady.
I'm a
small biz virtual assistant, specializing in helping you stay on top of your day-to-day tasks.
All Rights Reserved | Virtually Brady