Social Media … the world that we can’t live without, but sometimes wish we did.
It started with one platform and grew to multiples, it is hard to keep up.
I remember my first days with Instagram. It was the grid platform where you could share a picture with little to no words and it felt like a magnificent thing. It was a quiet, peaceful feed to read posts, look at pictures, and a place to reconnect with old friends and meet new ones.
My first post was of an old paintbrush stuck in the dirt to mark a garden row on my family’s farm.
How funny is this? 👇🏻 It got 3 likes and 1 comment.
I wasn’t much for sharing, still not, but slowly posted from time to time a share something from my day-to-day life like fresh salsa or new workout shoes. It wasn’t a lot and the platform didn’t steal much time away, until I watched the fashion world come to life on some accounts, and yes, I was hooked. I love clothes. 😁
But somewhere along the line, stories arose and suddenly the grids were full of videos and reels, songs and noise, and the peace of the platform was just gone.
Have you ever been waiting somewhere, pull up Instagram on your phone forgetting your sound is on, and suddenly noise blasts from your phone and everyone turns to give you a look?
The invasion of social media in our days.
Ok, that is not Instagram's fault, but it just used to feel simpler with less noise. 🙂
Hear me out, I do watch and enjoy videos and reels and appreciate those who provide that, especially when it comes to how jeans fit, but I miss the still pics, flat lays, and just beautiful picture posts over videos.
I also know many love the videos and reels instead and are thankful for the changes.
We all have our love and opinions, it is what makes us our unique selves.
Turn the page to social media for business.
It can suddenly feel like you went from a relaxing time scrolling and sharing to a stressful uncertainty of what to share, how, and when.
For some, it pulls your focus and you feel you must do all these things you see others do in order to grow your social business.
You start to question it, overthink (ok, I do that daily), and feel you do not have enough followers, likes, and shares.
Take a quick minute and think, what exactly is social media doing for your business?
Are you getting back what you personally need from it after the hours and days you spend on it?
Social media is indeed free marketing and it’s great to have a strong presence on your platforms, but the reality is that it could come and go at any time.
You have no control over who is seeing you and your posts and there is no ownership in any of your profiles and pages.
Should you be there? Yes, absolutely.
What is important is that you look at it in the way YOU want it to be and with the time that works best for you and your business. There is no need to waste time trying to keep up with the ‘Joneses’.
I am sure you have heard “to grow your account you NEED to do videos and reels”. I get it, people love the reels, and they get many views, but views do not equal dollars. (which is another conversation we can have one day)
For me personally, however, doing something that doesn't fit who I am and my brand, well, that just isn’t worth it to me.
Should I step out of my comfort zone? Sure, and I hope to, but I am also true to myself.
What about the advice of paying to boost a post? I am not sure I should share my true thoughts on giving any social media platform money, but I will simply say that my hard-earned money isn’t going in their pockets. The only thing I would get from that is a lower budget to spend on jeans.
But many take these suggestions and roll with it because they want ‘that number’ to grow.
Do you stare at that follower number on your profile each morning?
Are you freaking out if the number goes down?
If you have read my email marketing blog post "Love the Unsubscribe" you know just how I feel about that number.
Just like the subscriber number, I find so many people getting hooked on the follower number on their social media platforms and only work to increase that day in and day out.
Think about that number – who are they?
Honestly, most of your followers are NOT your ideal audience.
If you are that person following that number, do yourself a favor, take a break and stop looking at it for a bit.
Look to things that will help your business like content, consistency, and engagement … those are your business keys.
Those suggestions might connect you to some new people in your ideal audience. And trying new things can be good to do especially as you work your business, but often it can leave you in this ‘rented space’ with less time and money, and followers who do not need what you offer and then they leave.
Do I want followers?
Sure do, but I want that number to include more of the people who truly want to hear what I have to say, not just be a number that I can count. Sometimes less is more.
I have met some FANTASTIC new people on social media, many new friends, joined some great groups, and yes, connected with new businesses and new clients, but I have found these strong connections by the way I’ve chosen to personally work my social media, NOT by doing what “they” say I should do or lining their pockets with money.
My account is a slow posting account and not as consistent as it should be, (I could help myself with that), but engagement is something I work on daily.
Engagement is how I’ve met many ideal followers and now friends. It is how I have gained new business.
When you like a post, you light up a heart and then, well, it doesn’t really do anything, but increase a like number for that post.
If you like AND comment, now you started engagement on their account and your handle is seen by their followers, and others. This could even gain you a new follower. #chaching
For example, if you are liking a post about jeans (yes, we are back to clothes) and then comment about loving them, it’s just a true, wonderful thing because now people see you there in the thread, and when that account responds back to your comment, oh my, the comment thread is growing!
Maybe you make another comment or ask a question. Now more 👀 see you, and you are now meeting new friends who also like these same jeans. #startthejeangroup
Which also brings it back to you. When someone comments on your post, respond back with a like AND a comment to get the thread going and more people seeing you.
Sure, we all like to be liked, but comments though? THOSE are what can lead you to growth, new friends, and fun. The money you may give for a ‘boost’ doesn’t give you the ROI that engagement does.
So are you telling me I need to be engaged, Brady? Yes, I most certainly am. Get down on one knee now.
Engagement is just one component of the social media world. There are so many that can make or break it and it can be hard to keep up.
My best advice is to be sure your time is spent on the components that can bring you back a return that you want to see, not just a number for that follower count.
Soooo, all of this to say, social media is one time-consuming task in business, but it is one you should be present in in a way that truly works for
Take your eyes off the follower number and be there the way that works best for you and your brand.
Also, social media should NOT be your #1 go-to marketing tool. There are a few others that take the lead and should be taking your time first.
(*cough* email marketing for one).
Are you ready to put social media in the right place in your marketing plan?
Are you feeling overwhelmed, uncertain, stuck on the follower number, or not sure how to be engaged?
I would love to chat ‘socially’ with you!
Let’s partner
and make it fun and rewarding, with a little work.
Looking for another follower? 🙂 Reach out on
Instagram (@virtuallybrady), I would love to connect, and engage, with you there.
I'm Brady.
I'm a
small biz virtual assistant, specializing in helping you stay on top of your day-to-day tasks.
All Rights Reserved | Virtually Brady