By Brady
March 8, 2024
‘Do you use Google? I’m guessing that answer is a firm yes, it is in our everyday lives somehow, someway. Need an answer to something? Google it. Need directions? Google it . Looking for a holiday recipe? Google it. How many times have you heard that? Can I be honest with you for a second though? When I started Virtually Brady, I did not know I could set my business up on Google. 🙈 I thought businesses on Google were just ‘put there by them’, that they stumbled upon you and added you to 'the Google'. I was also under the impression that the Google car I saw driving lots was looking only for the Brick & Mortar businesses to share, when in fact Brick & Mortars aren’t the *only* businesses that can have listings on Google. Sure, I was using Google, but I clearly was not understanding how it really worked for local and small businesses. Since then, I have learned many things that I use to help many businesses and entrepreneurs. If you are a small business owner without a Google Listing, I encourage you to create one – and I promise it’s easier than you think! Why do you need a Google Listing? Short answer? To GET FOUND. Before I talk more about that, let’s first be clear on what I mean by “Google Listing.” You know when you search something on Google you are fed results that look like this: