Summer is a time for all things, activities, vacations, and just places to be.
As a mom, of a teenager, when that last day of school comes each year, the mornings get laid back, less of a rush, feels so good, less stressful, quiet … and that is over in like 3 days.
My #momtaxi is then suddenly full-time employed without pay. I am driving and dropping to the early morning strength classes, then afternoon camps/training, to the friends' house, back to the gym for team practice, and then the dental and doctor appointments kick in.
Meanwhile I’m also working, throwing in laundry, trying to keep a house somewhat picked up so I don’t break my ankle tripping over shoes, and oh, that thing called food. (que the need for age 16 and a driver's license, much to my dislike)
After a month or 2, I’m ready, so ready for the routine to come back. I have felt #momguilt over that before, but at the same time, I need the routine to be a better mom.
So while the weather starts to get colder, much to my dislike, (I do however love the fashion 🙂) we now enter back into the school year routine - hooray! - and now it is just another version of a busy season.
The busyness never leaves, it is just different from season to season. I have found myself building my routine(s) as we go, adjusting to try to keep myself in a routine as much as possible.
How do you keep it all straight?
Do you use a calendar?
Post-it note reminders?
To-do lists? Your phone notes?
My favorite is a good solid calendar and to-do lists.
(I do use many post-its)
Anyone with me?
Calendar management helps build my routine. I am a pencil-to-paper gal, tried to be a digital one but I need to write it down to really get it and keep me on track day to day.
I also have a love for a good, full-year, month-to-month calendar/planner.
I might keep a semi-online calendar, used mostly for those appointments that use links, like a Zoom meeting, but everything else I write out on my paper calendar and/or wall calendar(s). (You can’t have too many calendars, right? 😉)
Even though a calendar is meant to help you keep your life organized and scheduled, it can also turn into organized chaos that presents a challenge within itself.
If you’ve ever felt like your calendar is the very thing stressing you out, you’re in good company. Over the years of being a paper calendar gal, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks to avoid this so that your calendar can ACTUALLY do its job!
Keep reading below for my favorite ways to prevent calendar chaos.
Pick a day of the week for appointments and only schedule them on that weekday, unless it is an emergency.
Organizing your days becomes the key to managing your calendar and your life. There was a time when I just took whatever appointments I could, now I book on the days of the week I dedicated. If that is a Monday, I will only see my dentist on his next available Monday. (A quick tip, avoid Fridays as appointment days as many offices close early, or they are not even open)
Similar to picking a day of the week for appointments, do the same for errands, like grocery shopping, post office, etc. and stay consistent with that day week to week.
At the beginning of each week, conduct a check-in and update the calendar. During this time, make sure everything is there that you need to do/be at and create your weekly to-do list.
As a small business owner with lots of different to-do’s, this can be tricky, but setting business hours and sticking to them really helps the business/life balance and creates room for appointments outside of work.
Just like you’re picking a day for appointments and errands, try to also pick a specific day of the week for laundry, dishes, and cleaning so that you don’t feel tempted to fill the nooks and crannies of each of your days with these chores.
Your calendar might be full, but write everything down so you can keep track of your month, week, and days. Take your calendar with you and keep adding to your to-do list as new things come up!
In summary, to organize your calendar chaos, dedicate your days to your tasks. Once you do that, you can add them to your weeks and soon your month is complete. And with additions happening daily, make sure you update.
It is great when you can view your days, weeks, and months at a glance, then your routine comes along and you know how each day will feel.
Routine helps the days seem calmer, it will always be busy, but when you control it, there’s less chaos all around.
If you are ready to have a controlled calendar and routine but are unsure you have the time to organize it, click
HERE, and let's connect. We can chat to see what the best plan would be for you. 🖤
I'm Brady.
I'm a
small biz virtual assistant, specializing in helping you stay on top of your day-to-day tasks.
All Rights Reserved | Virtually Brady